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HypnoBirthing Childbirth Education Course Content
The HypnoBirthing childbirth education course is made up of five meetings, once a week. Over the course of these 5 weeks, your instructor will lead you through exercises to identify & release your fears regarding birthing and replace those fears with instinctive knowledge, confidence, and calm. Each of the five sessions includes dynamic practice as well as the important information and tips that you need about pregnancy and birth. As part of the course you will recieve the HypnoBirthing book by Marie Mongan, a workbook with tips and tools, a set of audio tracts, and a series of bonus lessons offered on zoom for the Pashut Laledet community that are meant to enrich the course material. The course is comprised of the following five units:
Unit 1: Intro to HypnoBirthing • How the subconscious affects birth • What is birth • The history of birth • The hormonal and physical processes of birth • How the uterus works in birthing • Understanding pain in labour • how to plan a gentler experience • Introducing recent research and what it teaches us • Power of the mind/body connection • Bringing awareness to your fears and creating affirmations • Practicing calming birth techniques and breathing • The partner's role
Unit 2: What babies are doing in the womb and bonding with your baby • how to decide where and with whom to birth • different styles of birth management and professional care • tips on hospital tours and creating a birth preference list • the importance of staying present in the moment and being prepared for any turn the birth takes • how to begin a HypnoBirthing practice • special breathing techniques • rapid relaxation techniques • light touch massage • movement and positions for pregnancy and birth • nutrition during pregnancy and postpartum
Unit 3: Tools for deeper relaxation • labor and birthing visualizations and guided imagery • special circumstances during pregnancy and birth • the ninth month and pregnancy checkups • estimated due dates • breech babies • tips for a healthy perineum and pelvic floor • birthing preferences • if nature needs assistance; induction and augmentation of labour, natural and medical techniques • Your bodies perfect design: hormones of birth • fear release guided imagery
Unit 4: Overview of Childbirth • the birth process and implementation of tools • signs of labor • when to go to the hospital/or when to call your midwife • everything you need to know about your "water breaking" • breathing through labor • signs of progress in labour • labor slows or rests • misconceptions about labor • Tips for partners support • healthy and confident communication with the medical staff • birth rehearsal imagery
Unit 5: touch and massage • rotation/how baby moves through the pelvis • how to support your baby during birth • the final stages of birth • understanding transition "nearly complete • birthing breath • baby is born • the placenta • umbilical cord • zero separation • after birth checkups • the golden hour • intro to breastfeeding • bonding & preparing for the 4th Trimester
In addition to these 5 units you will be offered a series of free bonus classes that dive deeper into these following topics: Intro to breastfeeding • Movement for Pregnancy and Birth • The Placenta • The Perineum and Pelvic Floor • Cesarean Birth • Pain Relief During Labour • Induction and Augmentation of Labour • Pregnancy without Pain: how to balance your pelvis • How to manage the "birth maze" • The day after the Birth • Intro to Babies Sleep • Intro to "parenting as a miraculous journey"
Please note, some of our educators change the order of the units but all of the material is still included in the course.

Tools Learned in the HypnoBirthing Childbirth Education Course
This program utilizes the following techniques to help parents prepare for an easy and positive birth experience. These include:
- Relaxation and release of physical tension
- Special Breathing techniques
- Visualization
- Guided Imagery / Deepening techniques
- Affirmations
- Education
- Touch
- movement and positions for comfort and ease of birth
Allow Pregnancy to Make Your Bond Tighter
HypnoBirthing classes are the perfect place to tap into the beautiful bond between you and your partner. Our exercises will help build confidence between both parties; in the partner’s ability to provide support and the birthing person’s feeling of being supported. These classes also provide time for parents to bond with their baby, and build positive excitement for the upcoming birth. This positivity and bonding will play into the birthing experience, where the baby is an active participant.