- HypnoBirthing /
- What is HypnoBirthing?
What is HypnoBirthing?
HypnoBirthing® is a natural approach to a safe, easier, more comfortable birthing. By learning to release fear and consequently releasing physical tension, the birth experience can be gentle and empowering. This is a program of childbirth preparation which gives you practical techniques, exercises, and guidance, to relax your mind in order to let your body do its job. The course is designed in a workshop format. Each of the five sessions includes dynamic practice as well as the important information and tips that you need about pregnancy and birth. We teach a range of relaxation techniques such as guided imagery, breathing, meditation, birthing positions, and touch. In addition we focus on communication- with yourself, your baby, your family, and with your caregivers.

You and your partner will learn to focus inwards, to trust your body and your baby. You’ll have a chance to work through fears and to reexamine your perception of birth. Our HypnoBirthing Educators are active professionals in the field of birth and bring their experience to each lesson. The result of the course is that participants feel empowered and are ready to handle the excitement of birth and the birth setting while staying focused and present in the moment as the birth unfolds. Our group classes are held all over Israel or live on zoom. The course consists of 5 meetings, 3 hours each, the most comprehensive course offered here in Israel today. The 5 week process gives you the time to bring about change and work towards the birth that you imagine for yourself. You may be eligible for a refund from Kupat Holim. The HypnoBirthing Childbirth Education course will prepare you to welcome your new baby gently and joyfully into the world.
We had a wonderful experience. Super fast, energetic and powerful. Thank you for teaching and helping me learn the HypnoBirthing techniques, it helped me a lot to stay focused on myself, on what I really wanted and needed in the moment, stay strong and breath right.
I know 100% that I wouldn’t have been able to get through my 35 hours of labor without the wonderful techniques from our class, which prepared my partner Abir and I to really be in it together. And now off to our much much longer journey - parenting!
We received amazing tools, confidence and strength to go through this crazy experience, and the birth turned out just as we wanted and hoped. We are truly grateful for the course and the life changing experience. Thank you!
Noa and Chaim

HypnoBirthing Book
Childbirth is not something to be feared; it is a natural expression of life. In this imminently practical guide, HypnoBirthing founder Marie Mongan shatters the myth of pain as a natural accompaniment to birth. With her program that’s being successfully used worldwide, she proves that when we release the fear–a fear that keeps the body tense and closed–we will experience a gentle birth. In fact, the HypnoBirthing method greatly reduces the pain during labor; frequently eliminates the need for drugs; and shortens birthing and recovery time, allowing for a more serene birthing experience and better bonding with baby.
The Hebrew translation of the book HypnoBirthing-the Mongan Method was published by Pashut Laledet in 2015 with the support of Notssa publishers in Israel.
Marie Mongan- Founder of HypnoBirthing
Marie Mongan published her first book “HypnoBirthing a Celebration of Life” in 1989. The former college Dean and Hypnotherapist birthed her four children with relaxed confidence. She planned and prepared for her births with the idea that birth is normal and natural, during years in which most women in the USA received heavy anesthetics at birth. With the skills of deep relaxation and the natural birth philosophy, she helped prepare her adult children and their partners for the calm births of her eleven grandchildren, and consequently all of them came into the world gently and naturally. Over time, her book became a method that spread around the world and is now taught in 46 countries, and millions of families have benefited from her vision. Marie Mongan’s only complaint about her own births was that the medical caregivers intervened with unnecessary procedures as part of hospital protocol. She introduced into her program the partner’s role as “protector” of the birthing, so that the mother can be free to focus on working with her body and baby. In this way parents learn tools to work together as a team, maintaining relaxation, communicating with their caregivers, and bonding with their babies. Marie Mongan received many of the highest awards both in the realms of hypnosis, and in the birth field. She was the mentor of Paula Aji who brought HypnoBirthing to Israel in 2007, and she supported Paula Aji, Sharon Peled and Rebecca Rosenstein through the founding of Pashut Laledet HypnoBirthing in Israel and the Hebrew translation of the teaching materials.

HypnoBirthing parents report:
Less Fear approaching birth
Fewer interventions and surgical births
Decreased use of oxytocics or AROM
Shorter 1st and 2nd phase labor
Fewer pre-term and low-weight babies
Lessened or eliminated need for analgesia
Happier and more content mothers & babies
Babies alert; able to nurse almost immediately
Few cases of post-partum depression reported
Infants with higher than average APGAR score